give them something easy to hide

I received this ad in an email the other day. I thought it was an odd way to pitch a product.

MacBook Air - easy to hide

an interesting selling point… ( . Y . )

I can understand “thin and light” being selling points. But “easy to hide”?

“Buy your kid a laptop he can easily hide!” I’m not in marketing, but I can’t see how that would appeal to many parents.

MacBook Air - easy to hide

just what they’ve been looking for… ( . Y . )

I was about an hour into this post when it finally occurred to me that maybe they were talking about hiding a gift until Christmas because you wanted it to be a surprise.

OK, now I get it. Most people, when they saw this ad, must think “What a relief! Every time I buy my kid a $1500 computer she finds it before Christmas!”

But it took me a long time to figure that out. I guess that’s why I’m not in marketing.

the hunt for pink october

The Hunt for Pink October

Join the hunt.
Buy something pink.


If you’ve read fantasticdrivel at all (or even just perused the tag cloud), you’re probably well aware of my fondness for breasts. I think they’re great. Moreover, I really like women. Especially strong-willed, capable, intelligent women—like Lady Liberte, the unofficial mascot of Therefore, I have no problem with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month: a month devoted to saving women and their breasts by raising awareness about breast cancer.

I’ll also add that, as a graphic designer and an advocate for a public awareness cause (Adams Place), I’m beyond impressed by what the Susan G. Komen Foundation et al have been able to accomplish in terms of branding (i.e. the pink ribbon).

I do feel, however, that sometimes companies go a little too far in trying to get a piece of the Pink October pie. I’m not talking about pinkwashing (yes, it’s a word; read more about it on wikipedia); I’ll give these folks the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are dedicated to the cause and not their own profit. Just because it’s for a good cause, that doesn’t make it a good idea. I think you’ll see what I mean by the time we get to pink pumpkins (below).

October is the pinkest month of the year, and it seems to be pinker each time it rolls around.

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I hate Thursday Night Football


It’s just a money-grubbing attempt by the NFL to capitalize on the thursday night TV audience, historically the most-competitive night for broadcast TV. It’s working, so I guess it makes sense from a financial standpoint. But it messes with the rhthym of football season. I don’t like it as a fan, I don’t like it as a fantasy manager, and I hypothesize that it results in more injuries, and lower-quality football. The extra-short turnaround for a Thursday-night game means virtually no real recovery time from the brutal slog of an NFL game. And if coaches hold out their superstars because they’re afraid they haven’t fully recovered, that lowers the level of talent that’s out there on the field. The extra-short week also makes it hard to prep for a specific opponent: less time to learn to read and react to the particular quirks and strategies of an offense or defense. One of my favorite elements of NFL football is the “chess game” character of writing and calling the right plays at the right time. TNF undercuts that, resulting in lower-quality football.

Thursday Night Football: good for the NFL Network, bad for the NFL.

nfl newsflash


Yahoo News Flash

Today, while tending to my beloved Liga Guadalupe, this bit of breaking NFL news caught my eye.

Frankly, it’s no surprise. When Eli Manning’s wife joined the Black Bears’ group last month, it was only a matter of time before Peyton’s wife, Ashley, went public with her own ursine affiliation.

Vegas oddsmakers seemed to think Ashley might go with the Pandas’ group, no doubt due to the universal appeal of the panda. Those oddsmakers, however, probably missed my panda post from the Zoo World series. In Zoo World 3.09: Pulchritudinous Pandas I discuss how inconvenient and EXPENSIVE it is to own lease a panda. Yes, Peyton has a nice new contract in Denver, but choosing the pandas would have been, shall we say, fiscally irresponsible.

Eli Abby and Blackey Manning

Eli, Abby, and Blackey Manning

Peyton Ashley and Grizz Manning

Peyton, Ashley, and Grizz Manning