the liga weekly, 05.11

the liga guadalupe

This edition of the Liga Weekly is dedicated to one of the most-used words in the English language: “o.k.” Depending on inflection and context, it can have a number of different meanings or connotations. These shades of meaning can be lost when communicating across languages, but the general meaning of the word “o.k.” is almost universally understood; in fact, it has been assimilated as a “loan word” in a number of languages.

The word itself is not that old, but its exact origin is a matter of some debate. We will touch on two of the prevailing theories in this post, as part of an introduction to the new graphic for the 2011 Liga Guadalupe team, Elvis Ate America.

Oh, and also the numbers for the FAABulous prize$ for week 11.

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the liga weekly, 05.10

the liga guadalupe

No massive post this week. Just the numbers for the FAABulous prize$ for week 10.

Oh: and a little graphic near the end. I think it’s worth scrolling down for.

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the tlachiqueros

the liga guadalupe

the liga retrospective: 2010 (pt. 3)

In part 1 of the retrospective, we got the raw numbers for the regular season. In part 2, we remembered the Delicious Flapjacks, the losingest team in Liga history.

In part 2 I also introduced the graphic for the best of the worst award (which, not coincidentally, prominently features flapjacks).

hang in there

That spiky plant in the background? It’s the maguey plant, which ties together the Virgen de Guadalupe, the best of the worst, and the tlachiqueros.

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the liga weekly, vol. 4 no. 6

the liga guadalupe

Another week, and I still don’t have all the graphics completed. Progress has been made, however, so three more teams will benefit from clever graphics this week.

So, without further delay: FAABulous prize$ for the Liga in week 6.

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